Research and Development for sustainable reconstruction: The examples of energy and agriculture

The Alliance  of German Science Organisations strongly supports the Federal Government's consistent action against Russia's belligerent attack on Ukraine, which violates international law. The alliance sees the Russian invasion as an attack on elementary values of freedom, democracy, and self-determination, on which academic freedom and scientific freedom are based.


This side event is organised by the three German Research-Organisations Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft and Leibniz-Gemeinschaft. Our event explores the link between RD policies and sustainable reconstruction, deep diving into energy on the one hand, and on sustainable agriculture on the other. According to international estimates more than 750bn Dollar need to be invested for the reconstruction of Ukraine. Most must be  private investments. What is the RD factor of the ´build back better ‘approach as set up by the Lugano Conference in 2022? What RD  opportunities are there for Ukraine, in energy and in agriculture? How can our research alliance members contribute? It is important to stress here that when talking about the RD opportunity we don´t mean a far-away future, nor 2030: we mean now.  The investment of 6 million EUR made by the German company Quantum Systems should be mentioned as an interesting example: this drone producing company ´learns´ from the ground experience in Ukraine and is able to improve its products constantly. What are similar opportunities for deployment in energy or agriculture? What role can Renewables and smart grid solutions play in a country where security of supply requires even more than elsewhere local solutions? More digital farming, as Ukraine is a very digitalised country? What can we learn from Ukraine? What can be done in Ukraine right now, and not in 2040? Ukraine proves to be a very open-minded country when it comes to RD solutions. Join us to discuss the RD factor now.




4 pm Introductory Note on behalf of the three German Science Organisations 

Prof. Dr. Bernd Rech, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Vize-Präsident Energie der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft


4.10 pm Key Notes by  Ministers

What is the role of Research and Development projects for Ukraine reconstruction today?

Keynotes by Yevhen Kudriavets,  Deputy Minister for European Integration, Ministry for Education of Ukraine

Keynote by Bettina Stark-Watzinger, Minister for Education and Research Germany.

Moderated by Milena Komar, Director Kyiv School of Energy Policy


4.40 pm RD for sustainable reconstruction in the energy sector: RD options in generation, transmission and technology

Susanne Nies,  Project Lead, GDU Project, HZB

Philipp Strauss, Deputy Director Fraunhofer IEE, Germany

Olha Yestivniieva, Senior Researcher, Reform Team Ukraine

Olha Kasian, Head of Research Department, Helmholtz Erlangen (tbc)

Moderated by Georg Zachmann, Scientific Lead Green Deal Ukraina


5.25 pm RD for sustainable and smart agriculture: what are opportunities and challenges?

Taras Gagalyuk, Senior Researcher at Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Development, Germany

Mariia Bielkina, Head of Agriculture Department, EcoAction, Ukraine

Maksym Maksymov, Vice president of the National Association of Agricultural Advisory Services of Ukraine 

Georg von Nolcken, CEO, Continental Farmers, Ukraine


Moderated by  Liran Sahar, Head of Business Development Fraunhofer LZSiS, Germany


5.55 pm Conclusion

Marijke Welisch, Managing Director Fraunhofer CINES

At a glance


  • Ukraine is, despite the war, a country with fascinating opportunities for pilot projects and applied research now. The example of Quantum Systems is one that should be replicated also in the civil sector: in energy, in agriculture, and elsewhere.


  • The organisers of this event wish to deliver a strong message to URC on this RD opportunity and will themselves strive towards implementing pilot projects in this spirit.


  • The organisers urge the conveners and participants of the URC to factor RD into their approach of sustainable reconstruction and to explore possible learnings from and in Ukraine.

June 12th 2024 | 4 pm – 6 pm | Fraunhofer ENIQ, Berlin


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